



My Next Steps-Eng cropped.jpg


Choosing to follow Jesus is an important first step!  Following Jesus means that we step out and actually walk in the path that Jesus has set out for our lives.  This requires life change though – because all of our own, natural paths leads to destruction.  To follow Christ means to lose the world, but to gain new hope!

Next Steps to Follow: Baptism, learning First Christian Church's Beliefs, becoming a Disciple and wholeheartedly following Jesus


Growing happens when we are deeply connected to the love of Jesus.  God continually prunes off our old way of life, growing us more and more into Christ likeness.

Next Steps to Grow:  learning about Spiritual Disciplines and joining a Connect Group


Whatever we have is from God and He is extremely generous.  At FCC we believe that everyone has something to give because God has generously given each of us: 

Time - Talent - Treasure

Next Steps to Give: taking a Spiritual Gifts Assessment, joining a Serve/Lead Team, Financial Generosity

The hope of God’s generosity through Jesus is not meant for just each of us or even just for the church – instead, it is meant for every human being in the world!  We need to bring the good news into every corner of the world.  Gospel change starts here and goes everywhere!

Next Steps to Go:  spreading the Good News of Jesus to my family, my city, and the world
